Wow!! So much has happened in the past couple months! Brooklyn is now 3 months old (15 weeks to be exact)!! She already weighs 13.5 lbs! I can't believe how fast she is growing up. She found her voice and loves to hear herself talk! She is also figuring out how to roll over! We are also very happy that she is completely sleeping through the night now.... yay!! She is sooo much fun! So here are some of the many highlights from the past couple months!.......................

Mom and Ray came down to visit for the Blessing and we went to see the temple lights.

Brooklyn was blessed on Sunday, December 28th

giving mommy kisses!

First Christmas... (cutest santa I've ever seen!!)

Christmas Eve PJ's

Her first acting role as baby Jesus (in a dress and tights...)

Christmas Eve Smile!

First BYU game, Kimball and Sara got her this cute little outfit!

We met Kimball and Sara in Vegas and stayed at the Buffalo Bills in Prim for $8 a night! We had a blast!!

silly binky from the magic store!


All snuggled up for the game

We celebrated our 4 year anniversary at Texas Roadhouse!

Cameron decided to shave his head and send me a picture text while I was at a party! Thanks a lot babe! (I'm happy that it's finally starting to grow out... and that he's not bugging me anymore about it!)

My good friend Liz Farnsworth took our first official family pictures! She did an amazing job!

We survived Disneyland with the whole fam-damily! It was awesome!

Brooklyn's first trip to the Happiest Place on Earth!

Kimball and Sara got married in San Diego! It was amazing!

Brooklyn in her beautiful dress that Melissa made!

Brooklyn went to her first, of many, dance competitions!

Melissa and Mathias came to visit for a week. It was so much fun to have our babies together!

Cameron's brother, Ben, departed for his mission to Chile!
Needless to say, it has been an eventfull couple of months! Whew... hold on tight for the new year!
Wow you guys have been busy!! I can't believe how big Brooklyn is getting! She is absolutly beautiful!
i'm so glad to see your blog updated. brooklyn of course if adorable in all picts. peyton will be glad to see herself on the blog!!
Wow Ash-lash! There have been so many things keeping you busy in AZ. I need to come visit one of these days. Can you believe I've never been to AZ? (unless you count the little corner you drive through on your way from UT to CA, if you do, then I've been there) :0)
Super Cute Mack! I love your baby and I actually really like Cam's shaved head! Wahoo for life adventures!
Gorgeous. She looks just like you. It fits- turns out you are gorgeous too.
Loves to you.
haha I think Brookly passed Kendal in weight! I swear I feed her all the time. You have had a busy month. I've been waiting for pictures! We've barely seen you guys!
I'm so glad you're back. I was so sick of looking at my face! Brooklyn just gets cuter everyday:)
I love you guys so much!! Brooklyn is so cute! I love having you as my dance teacher Ashley!! I love you!
Wow, you have had a busy last few months. What a sweet baby you have and I love the pictures!
I loved all the new pics. Brooklyn is such a precious little thing. I loved the pic of her grabbing your face, how cute is that.
Oh you guys are cute! What a darling little family! WE love ya!
Wow...3 months! Where has the time gone! She is absolutely beautiful...Love the family pics! Are you coming down for Kristen's baby shower in Tucson. How to see you soon!
Hey im glad to see that you are back into the blogging world I toataly missed seeing your smiling face and your little girl has gotten so big! Yes camaron looks a lot better with long hair what a surprize! lol. Your adorable!
Holy cow! Those are some dang cute pictures!!!!
Ash, your little girl is so cute!! Thanks for the update! So Brandon did the same thing with the shaved head. He loves it, but he knows I am not so much a fan so he went ahead and did it to surprise me too.
Wow, Thanks for the share, you always have great content!
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