Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Miracles Do Happen!

Yes!! It is truly a miracle to be updating my blog! It just seems a lot easier to use Facebook these days. But, after talking to my friend Ashley, I realized how this really can be used as sort of a journal (considering I am not very good at keeping one).

Time seems so be flying faster than normal these days. I can't believe it has been 7 months since I've posted. Where did the time go? So much has happened, too much to do a full update, but I will do my best to fill you in on our crazy lives.....


Moved into our new home in Queen Creek

Brooklyn (6 months) started swimming and loves it!

Mom and Grandma came to visit

Silly baby!

High School friends came to visit!

Brooklyn's 1st Easter (almost 7 months)


starting feeding herself lots of yummy food

pulled herself up for the 1st time

made a trip to Utah! visited Marie and Brinley

Brooklyn @ 9 months

Nationals Competition in Cali


"Cheese" showing off her toofers

trip to Tucson

another trip to Utah

Melissa, Rob, and the kidlets came to visit

hangin out in the back yard

4th of July up in the White Mountains

Hiking, while Brooklyn was so sick

Trip to Rocky Point, Mexico!

with the McCoys

Brooklyn's CRAZY hair!

Cruisin with our neighbor Tristan

So.. that is it sorta in a nut shell! Our lives continue to move at the speed of light.. or at least it feels like it! I can't believe my baby will be 1 this month! What?!


Tyson and Marie said...

Hey Ash! I can't believe all that you have done and how big Brooklyn is! Crazy! She has blonde hair now too!:) She is such a doll. I miss you guys and wish so bad we lived closer together. day! Great update...keep them coming! I love all of the pictures. Can you send me your mom's number? Thanks! Love you!

Brittney Blount said...

I didn't know you updated. I haven't looked at your blog for a while! Cute pics. We need to get together.

Cassandra Romney said...

I am in compleate SHOCK!! I love that you posted all the pictures! Your family is growing up so fast!
Keep updating! Just so you know i updated my blogs name. Its now. Check it out.. nothing has changed! Were pretty much the same! Talk to you soon!

Anonymous said...

beautiful photos
Keep Posting
Vaccum Cleaners

JohnOliver said...

The pictures are very beautiful and the article is very interesting. thanks for sharing.


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