What an amazing 3 1/2 weeks it's been! I can't believe Brooklyn is going to be a month old on Thursday! I was so fortunate to have my mom here for the first two weeks, and since then I have been trying to figure out how to be a mother! Wow... it is crazy!! She is such a great baby! The last two nights she slept for a straight 6 hours! She is so much fun! I just sit there and stare at her everyday. While my mom was here we played dress up with a few of her outfits! It was so much fun, especially for my mom!

My grandma made these little booties and bonnet!
I had to dress her in her little dancer outfit!
Cameron's Grandma and Mom... 4 generations
Kristen Layton came to visit! She is having a boy in the spring!!
I know she looks a little yellow, but it's the lighting!
She loves bathtime! She is a spa baby!
One of her first big outings with Nana and me!
Stylish baby!
I love my mom!
This little blue sleeper was mine when I was a baby!
Cute little green dress! Thanks Rachel!
This is on her 3 week bithday!!
Cam's little brother Ben went throught the temple for the first time. He is going on his mission to Chile Santiago in November. It was also our first time leaving Brooklyn with a babysitter.... the best babysitters in town... Rusty and Ashley!! She took a bottle good and everything!
She is so beautiful! I still need to stop by and meet her!
She is amazing. And so are you. How can you look so good after only 3 weeks? Unreal.
I can't believe all that you have fit in to 3 1/2 weeks! Brooklyn is going to have a fun life. I love all her looks... will you play dress-up with me too?!
So cute! I crazy how fast time flies.
She is beautiful!Congratulations!!I seriously can't believe how great you look, so jealous!!That's awesome she is sleeping 6 hours already!!
The bonnet and booties are SO cute, cute, cute...perfect fit too, I can't wait to meet her.
You look like you guys are having so much fun! I love to see all the pictures of you with her! She is beautiful and all the dresses are so cute! Motherhood is hard im sure! You can do it thou!
I love all the pictures! I can't wait to see her in person. I really like the cute green dress....so cute! She is one beautiful baby...like her mom:)
Thanks so much for posting for the Mack family!!!! She is totally beautiful and I'm so glad the birth went well. How fun to have your mom there helping out. I remember when I had the twins and the first time my sister left me at home the night I got them both home. I didn't want her to leave. She told me God would help me be a good mom, and so far, I believe he has! He'll help you too. At times you question his sanity, like I have in sending these precious ones to us, but I figure he loves them so much he watches over them, in spite of me at times. Take care and thanks so much for being so prompt in replying. I know life gets kind of crazy at times.
Love Aunt Jane
Ashley! She is gorgeous! Congratulations! I'm so excited for both of you :)
Ash, you are such a beautiful mother! I wish I could come see you and your sweet Brooklyn. I love how you played dress up, how fun! Debbie looks great too, tell her helllooo. We're coming down mid-November and we'll be here in SLC for Thanksgiving, so I hope I'm able to see you both times!!! Love you, em
Holy Cow!!! She is Beautiful!!! I love to see your pictures! You look excellent too my dear!!! Can't wait to see you! Love ya!
Oh she is sooo beautiful!! I love the little bonnett!
Cute pictures! I want to talk to you mama.
How adorable!!! I can't wait to be able to play dress up with my future little girl someday, it looks like your having way to much fun! Those are such cute pictures and she is the most beautiful little girl! Hope to see you and meet little Brooklyn soon! Are you coming up for the BYU/Utah Game?
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