Sunday, April 27, 2008

Poor Cooper!

My little Cooper broke his toe on Friday! He and Chloe were playing in the park and he must have twisted it wrong. He is being such a trooper. He finally figured out how to hop around on 3 legs. It is nice and swollen! Cameron is such a good little doctor and makes sure to ice it a few times a day! No fun! :(


The Llewellyn's said...

I found your blog through Mike and Shanelle...I knew Cameron in high school...he was friends with my cousin Chris Sowards. Just wanted to say hi...congrats on the baby!

dave&abby johnson family said...

Oh your poor dog! Sorry to hear that, how are you feeling? Hope all is well.

Cassandra Romney said...

Poor Puppie! Thats so sad! It seams like they are always getting themselves hurt! They must be so much fun though! I want a puppie!